Uboss - Adding and Amending A Hunt Group
  • 26 Apr 2024
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Uboss - Adding and Amending A Hunt Group

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Article summary

Adding a Hunt Group

A Hunt Group can be assigned at either Business or Site level. If set at Business level then anyone in the business can be a member irrespective of location.  For site level only, select ‘Business Site’ and then choose the site you are adding the Hunt Group to. Once you're in the required level, from the left hand menu select ‘Services’.

Once you're in the Service Assignments section, press 'Add' on the right hand side.  Then select BW-Hunt Group from the services list pop up box and press 'Add':-

Complete the Instance ID, Instance Name and Description. The Calling Line ID First Name and Calling ID Last Name will indicate which Hunt Group the call is coming in on. Input a password and confirm (this may be used by administrators to access the Hunt Group set up). Select the VoIP Telephone number and/or extension number for the Hunt Group.

Select the ’Call Policy’ from the drop down box – Regular, Circular, Simultaneous or Uniform and this will dictate how the calls are delivered (a full description of each type is given in blue). Insert Charge Site and Charge Department if required. The ’No Answer Settings’ can be set to forward calls to another internal or external number, a mobile or voicemail (which would need to be set up as a service on the Hunt Group). If zero is left in the box then the calls will continue to ring out on the Hunt Group number.  Remember that call charges will be incurred for any calls that are forwarded to an external number or mobile.

The ’Not Reachable Settings’ allow calls to be forwarded to an alternative number e.g. in the event of a power loss.

Select the appropriate CLID (Caller Line ID) and Agent Settings (if you have Call Center Agents).

Now you are ready to add users to the Hunt Group. Select each user by using by highlighting their name in the left hand box and then press ’Add’. Or just press ’Add All’ if required.

Scroll down to the end of the page and press SAVE.  Your Hunt Group is now active.

Amending a Hunt Group

If you wish to add/remove any users in future select ’Services’ and select the existing Hunt Group instance you wish to amend. In the User Membership section just select the user(s) before pressing ’Add’ or ‘Remove’.

Remember to press SAVE!

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