Uboss - KMPIQ Guide - Unity
  • 16 Mar 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Uboss - KMPIQ Guide - Unity

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Article summary


Keep My Place in Queue (KMPIQ) is an add-on feature for Unity Agent, Supervisor and Reception that allows queued ACD calls to be held in place in the call centre queue when the remote party has released the call, then for the agent to call the party back when their held call becomes the next in line to be answered.

  1. Firstly, you need to create a new queue by going to Assignments->Service Assignments and pressing Add. It will need to be either a Standard or Premium Queue. Complete all sections with a red asterisk:-


Now press Save.

  1. Select the new queue you have just assigned and select Service Assignments from the blue tabs. Tick the BW-Voice Messaging User box and then press Save.


  1. Next go to the Service Configuration tab and click on the BW-Voice Messaging User which now has a green button showing that it is live.

Click on the Greetings tab and tick the ‘Disable Message Deposit’ box and press Save.


Upload a greeting for this voicemail which says e.g. “If you are presenting your number, we will call you back”. (To upload a greeting, at business level, go to Settings->Announcement Repository and press Add. Give the greeting a name, upload the recording and tick the agreement box – then press Save).

  1. Next, at business level, go to Assignments->Service Assignments and select the Call Centre Queue that you want to add the KMPIQ service to.

Assign an escape digit to that queue e.g. 1 and include in your comfort message e.g. “If would you prefer us to call you back, please press 1”. Remember to press Save.


  1. You will also need to assign Call Forward Busy and configure this to go to the extension of the new queue that you have just built.

  2. Next, assign Keep My Place in Queue to the Agent. Go to Client->Business User and select your Agent. On the Agent’s profile page select the Package and Service tab:-


On the next page, find ‘Unity Client – Keep My Place in Queue’, tick the left-hand box and then press Save.


  1. You will also need to assign an unavailable code at business level called Unavailable-KMPIQ Callback. Go to Assignments->Call Centre Settings->Unavailable Codes.


  1. Now open Unity on the Agent’s desktop and go to ACD state and amend the unavailable code to the one you’ve created:-


  1. Finally, add the Agents to the new queue. (Assignments->Service Assignments and select the relevant queue; from the blue tabs select Agents and then add the required users from the left hand side to the right by clicking on the Add button. Then press Save).


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