Go Integrator Cara - Automatic Update Process
  • 11 Jan 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Go Integrator Cara - Automatic Update Process

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Article summary

This guide will walkthrough the Go Integrator Cara automatic update process. Unless there is a major bug that must require all clients to update, the upgrade will only ever prompt to say that there is a new update avaiable.

If the user chooses to ignore the download, then the user will not be notified again until the next version is available.

Step 1

Log in to the application as you normally would
If there is a new version available you will be prompted with this screen, press "Download"

Step 2

The download will start, you have an option to "Cancel" at this point

Step 3

When the download is complete, press "Install"

Step 4

Accept the license terms and agreements and click "Install"

Step 5

The install will start, as the application has started it must be closed to continue, click "OK" on this screen

Step 6

The installation will now complete. When finished click on "Launch" to start the application

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