Call Recording Data Sheet
  • 24 May 2024
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Call Recording Data Sheet

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Article summary

The Uboss call recording component includes combining call logs and recorded calls, enhanced security and automatic upload or archive.

Security Enhancements

Uboss offers advanced security when downloading call recordings to be saved and played locally. Each call recording is given a security level which can be low, medium, high or very high.

The security level assigned to the recorded call is based on what is set for the corresponding user, which may be assigned directly or cascaded down from the business level.

The default security level is set at the business level so it applies to all users. However, this level can be overridden for a specific user through the Call Recording User service, as shown below. 

PLEASE NOTE that all users are able to playback and save their own recorded calls, the security level only applies when downloading calls for another user.

Each portal user is also assigned a security level. The portal user is able to download all recorded calls where the security level for the call is the same level or below that of the currently logged in portal user.

To offer a typical security policy for a business, the default security level (at the business level) could be Medium, but users within the management team may have a security level of High while the CEO has a security level of Very High. All portal users would then have a security level of Medium meaning all recorded calls other than those for executives are available to download.

Perhaps the business administrator has a security level of High meaning calls for executive users are also available for playback, but nobody is able to listen to or save the CEO’s recorded calls. Of course the CEO would be able to download and play all company calls including their own.

Combined Call Logs

We have combined the call logger with recorded calls for ease of use and to combine disparate data for a more complete overview, for example being able to easily see the call cost for a recorded call.

When displaying the call log, Uboss will ensure that any calls that have a call recording security level that is higher than that for the logged in user are displayed in the call log, but the buttons to play or save the file are disabled, as illustrated below. The Play Audit button will provide information if anyone has listened to or downloaded a specific recording. These buttons will also be hidden if the call wasn’t recorded.

PLEASE NOTE that the call logger includes all calls for the past 13 months, as well as any recorded calls that have been stored past that period. For example, if you’ve requested that all call recordings are retained for 1460 days, if a call was recorded three years ago then it will be retained in the call logger. However, as soon as the recording is deleted the call log will also be deleted. If the recorded call was deleted after 90 days (default storage period) then the call log will still be available for 13 months.

Recorded Call Storage

All recorded calls are retained free of charge for 90 days. Should you wish Uboss to retain your recordings for a longer period they will be charged based on the total file size of all your company’s recorded calls in GB (one GB holds approximately 70 hours of call recordings).

Businesses must specify how long they wish to retain recorded calls after the first 90 days, this can be set at the business level or the user level.

PLEASE NOTE that the business level setting will only apply to new service assignments. The business level setting is shown below.

The default value for all new assignments is to store calls indefinitely.  Remember if this value is set to 90 then the call will be deleted after the initial 90 day retention period. Once calls are deleted they cannot be retrieved and will no longer be available for playback or download through the Uboss portal.

The retention period can also be overridden at the user level, as shown below. Please note that changing the retention period at the user level will affect all existing recorded calls as well as new ones.

As mentioned, the retention period set at the user level is not updated when the business level setting is changed.  The Bulk Service Configuration tool can be used if you have lots of changes.

Call Recording Copy

If you wish to move all your recordings to a third party platform, Uboss can be configured to periodically upload recorded calls using HTTPS or FTPS (Secure FTP). Please speak with your Account Manager if you require this option.

Rates & Tariffs

Storage is configured to be charged per GB.  For pricing, please speak to your Account Manager.

Uboss will calculate the total file size of all recorded calls for all users within the business and apply the current rate.

NB One GB holds approximately 70 hours of call recording calls.

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