Uboss - Disaster Recovery
  • 02 Jan 2024
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Uboss - Disaster Recovery

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Article summary

Disaster Recovery

Disasters come in different guises; it can be leaves on the line, snow or a flood or fire that takes a local site out of action. One thing is certain, that an event outside your control is coming and that your customers will still want to call you. What is your DR plan?

Disaster Recovery is a cascading hierarchy that allows the customer group, sites, site services and users to be automatically forwarded to a pre-set DR number. When DR is activated in Uboss, at whichever level, all users and services underneath will call forward. For example, if the Manchester site has DR activated, all site services and users in Manchester will call forward to the Manchester site DR, with the exception of site services and users in Manchester that have specified different DR destination numbers. Once DR is deactivated then any call forward services [such as to voicemail] become reinstated automatically.

  • Group – DR activated as this level will cascade down to all Sites, Group Services and Users. The destination number will be that specified at the Group level, unless the service has an alternative DR serviced configured lower down.
  • Site – A local Site can be put into DR with a specific call forward always number.
  • Site Service – Group Services, such as Call Centres and Hunt Groups, can have a bespoke DR failover number.
  • User Service – As for Site Services above, Users can specify a custom failover number that will override the number specified at the Group or Site level.

Licensing Overview

  • DR Group Service - Free of Charge
  • DR Site Service and User Service - Monthly rental charge applies

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